Coffin Wrapping | The Signery
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Wrap your loved one's final resting place in style and celebrate them to the very end.


Order and confirm your wrap requirements by enquiring using the online contact form.


To confirm your order,
an upfront payment is required for booking.


Let's communiate and create something special and unique for yourself or family member.


A visual will be emailed back for you to carefully approve. Quick turnaround required.

Coffin & Urn Wrapping

I believe life is something worth celebrating, even until the very end. Death doesn’t scare me – it never has. I am not afraid or don’t squirm at it, in fact I would say I have almost always been fascinated by it. Strange I know. 🤪

Ultimately, we all become stories and I want to help you create a beautiful resting place for your loved one in the same way I have done for mine.

Along with my amazing partner and biggest supporter, we have started the Last Wrap brand alongside The Signery to support our young family and build our dream life. After losing three of our own very special grandparents just months apart, we’ve realized how short life is and it’s now time to turn all of our dreams into a reality.

Now that’s a wrap 🖤

Shall we wrap this up?

If you are after a beautiful custom coffin or urn, please get in touch.

Please email your requirements, including as much detail as possible and I will get in touch as soon as possible. 

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